For People with Disabilities:
Welcome Service Decription:
Please contact Mark Wassermann via email or phone in advance to make an appointment. He is not always in his office.
Other Assistance Services:
We have personal assitants instead of trained assistants and volountary helpers. The difference is that personal assistants which are "normal" people (in the means that they don't have a special training for working with people having sepcial needs. The assistants have first aid knowledge such that they can help with basic medical stuff like medicines etc. and know when to call a doctor or ambulance if the persons have illnesses or problems due to their disabilities). The personal assistants have a working contract with an organisation and are paid. The reason for this is that the persons with disabilities are the ones taking decisions (what, when, who, ...) and not the assistants. This includes the person decides who becomes their personal assistant and not the organisation. This is a basic principle in Klagenfurt and most of Austria.
Residence Info:
Nautilusheim. This building is listed with the building questionnaire. But in difference to what I've reported in the questionnaire Mark Wassermann told me that not everything is conform with the requirements for people with special needs. E. g. the outdoor ramp to the wheelchair entrance has a gradient of more than 6%.
Services in University:
- Working place for visual impaired people with assistance.
- Center for sign language and communication of hearing impaired people
- Department of social and integrational education (Ass. Prof. Marion Sigot,
Services in City:
Several organizations and department of the local authority