Goal of the event:
Raise awareness of disability through the linguistic exchange between Erasmus students. Debate controversial issues and take the role of disabled people to defend different points of view and reflect what is ethical and what it is not regarding to disability issues.
Short description of the event:
In our semanal schedule, every Wednesday a linguistic exchange between the Erasmus students. Taking advantage of the ExchangeAbility week, we decided to base all the debates and conversational topics related to disability. To make more interesting the activity, we planned it as an “angel and demons” debate. We suggested some controversial issues. Students were talking in pairs. Each one had a role which should defend. The situations and questions they should discuss were:
“You have met with your friends in the center city. You are looking for a parking lot but you do not find. After half an hour driving you see just a parking space for the disabled, so you decided to park there. Is it ethical or it is not?”
“ You have a family. One of your children has a disability. The school where they are enrolled has prepared a day trip. The school decides not to invite your child to that trip because his/her disability. Is it ethical or it is not?”
“You are a disabled person. You are in an interview job. Everything is going bad. However, in the moment they discover you have a disability, the company decides to hire you because they are going to enjoy a grant. Is it ethical or it is not?”
How did your event go?:
In previous linguistic exchanges, students asked us for controversial topics of conversation. So that, this topic resulted quite interesting for all of them. They all were very involved and they gave very interesting view points. Moreover, we were so lucky and that they a boy who has a handicap auditory came, so we could listen the point of view of a disabled people.