Aim of the event: 
  • Raise Awareness
Goal of the event: 
The goal of the event was to raise awareness about how people without the ability of eyesight communicate and interact with other people. Our team wanted to make sure that noone was left out, that is why through ExchangeAbility events, such as this one, we want to make people understand that everyone is equally important and should have equal opportunities.
Short description of the event: 
The idea was to make both erasmus people and esners put on scarves, that prevented them from seeing anything. Then, after putting on the scarves, we helped them switch places and mingle with each other,so that they could meet new people, just like we all do in everyday life. One thing was missing though, and that was their eyesight.The only time that they were allowed to see their partner was at the end, when we told them to take the scarves off and look at the other person/people for the first time. It may sound easy at first, but it is not. Experiencing this makes one understand, even for a small percentage, how the everyday life of a blind person is and how something as easy as meeting a new person could prove to be such a hard thing.
How did your event go?: 
The event was very successful! The erasmus people at first were hard to persuade to put on the scarves, because they didnt want to lose their eyesight,even for that short amount of time. However, after some time, they all put on their scarves and started talking with each other. At the end, they told us that they had an amazing time and they all agreed that the loss of something we take for granted,our sight, which is extremely important, is a big hardship. Moreover, everybody agreed to take a much more active role in the future events to help achieve our goal
Number of international students: 
Number of "locals" involved: 
Number of ESNers involved: 
Persons with disabilities joining the event: 
How did they contribute to your event?: 
They participated in the whole experience by communicating with the erasmus people and expressing their thoughts. Moreover, they helped as be more accurate about what having a disability feels like and how to approach the erasmus people.
Date in the Dark by ESN in Athens
Date of the event: 
Tue, 21/03/2017
Duration of the event: 