Aim of the event: 
  • Raise Awareness
Goal of the event: 
Raise awareness about disabilities. Promote ExchangeAbility project and week. Give useful and important information about disabilities. Make participants think about this topic and just show support to all the people with disabilities. With the movie we wanted to show people how disable people feel. What kind of struggles they have in life and what they are capable of.
Short description of the event: 
We gather to watch movie, share our expressions and emotions how we feel about disabilities, share some knowledge and watched movie "I Am Sam". After movie we share our thoughts and feelings about disabilities and discussed a bit characters in movie, compared it to reality. We wanted to raise awareness of how difficult it is for people with disabilities to live in a world where there is no understanding of them. How it can be harmful for people with disabilities some small actions which for us is "normal „ and for them it is very important. Participants saw how it is important to be educated and have knowledge about different disabilities, then we are more tolerant, supportive and we can be helpful to them. We can help them became accessible, because there is no disability, it exist only in mind and if you set it free and think wider it can show you whole world differently.
How did your event go?: 
Overall the event was a success. Both of our goals were achieved. We learned about disabilities and its people’s life through this movie, that I believe motivated everyone to get more information about it. We raised awareness on how difficult it can be some times, for people with disabilities to express themselves when the surrounding people and places are not open for people with disabilities.
Name of the partners: 
Number of international students: 
Number of "locals" involved: 
Number of ESNers involved: 
Persons with disabilities joining the event: 
Movie Night "I Am Sam"
Date of the event: 
Mon, 28/11/2016
Duration of the event: 