Goal of the event:
watch a movie regarding people with disabilities, inside I am dancing , and have a small discussion breaking some stereotypes afterwards , listening and sharing opinions to and with people with disabilities that attended the event.
Short description of the event:
after booking the auditorium, in the pharmacy faculty , at 7:00 ESNers and Erasmus students were welcomed to watch the movie : inside I'm dancing. the movie started at 7:15 end ended at 9:00 pm . afterwards, our local exchangeability coordinator lead the discussion regarding some issues faced on a daily basis people with disabilities, as it was presented by this powerful movie. ESNers and Erasmus students from all kaunas sections were there. and the description was the following : As you all know , friday 24th is the last day of Exchangeability week, so in this frame , we would like to watch all together a really powerful movie : inside i'm dancing , afterwards we discuss general topics , and break some stereotypes. We ll be waiting for you in our pharmacy faculty building (address mentioned above) , second floor auditorium 202 , at 19:00!! It will be right after dinner in the dark, so feel free to join that as well #ESNLSMU
How did your event go?:
it went as planned, people enjoyed the movie and reports were all positive. the discussion was successful.