Aim of the event: 
  • Raise Awareness
Goal of the event: 
As it was my firs event as a coordinator I decided to organise some event with Xmas mood. The main goal was to let the people feel how the deaf person can also hear the Carols and their magic! It also helped people to discover that deaf persons can experience the music as well as these who can hear.
Short description of the event: 
People in small groups ( or alone, if they wanted) had to choose some Carol to draw - it could be or commercial one, or some Carol from their countries. Then, they were drawing it in way that when deaf person will look at the picture, will know what it was talking about. At the end we were trying to guess what it was about. They could draw it however they wanted- with markers, blotting paper, paints ecc. They can also discovered their artistic souls to the accompaniment of special playlist and Xmas snacks. We also did a little lottery :)
At the end of course we took a group selfie and the pictures was given to children from local hospital.
How did your event go?: 
Very well. At the beginning we had 3 person but then we were 15! Everyone enjoyed it and discovered how they can feel the Carols in the alternative way what made their Xmas experience richer.
Number of international students: 
Number of "locals" involved: 
Number of ESNers involved: 
Persons with disabilities joining the event: 
How did they contribute to your event?: 
they came with smile and with their souls they drawn their masterpieces with full engagement. They were very happy to draw it and said that they would like to repeat it.
How to feel the magic of Carols in alterative way ..
Date of the event: 
Sat, 10/12/2016
Duration of the event: 