Aim of the event: 
  • Raise Awareness
Goal of the event: 
Last year I traid contact with this organitzation but it was impossible, for the calendar. When we start thise cours, in September I tried again to keep in touch, and they said the date.

In this activity, we will get to know a bit more the PROBLEMS and BARRIERS which PEOPLE WITH SIGHT DIFFICULTIES daily experiment. We will have the opportunity of getting in their place, of experimenting and of learning to move and read Braille.
Short description of the event: 
You may have wondered at some point how your life would be without seeing, what you would do, how you would cross the road without being run over, how you would read, how you would do the shopping and choose the right product… You will have the chance to resolve these questions and many others at our sensibilisation workshop with ONCE.
We went to Once's building in Palma, and they prepared a presentation about blind disability.
First they presentation their work and the organitzation. Then they explain about Braille Sistem, they explain the story, show differents books, an alphabet, a typewriter and we translate one sentence. The last hour, he talk about mobility and orientation, he show some tools and also app about viurtal image.
How did your event go?: 
The participants enjoy a lot during this workshop, they ask questions and it was a very interested.
I would like to do more practices activities, because he only showed the tools but we didn't try move around the center like a blinde person.
More participation, only came 3 university students.
Name of the partners: 
La Once
Number of international students: 
Number of "locals" involved: 
Number of ESNers involved: 
Persons with disabilities joining the event: 
Date of the event: 
Sat, 28/01/2017
Duration of the event: 