General Information
Physical Accessibility Level: 
Sensory Accessibility Level: 
Type of Building: 

Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities gatvė 20, Vilnius 08303, Lithuania

Ateities gatvė 20
Vilnius 08303
Latitude: 54.733970
Longitude: 25.258384

  • motorised entrance door
  • ramp
  • steps
Welcome Desk: 
  • near entrance
Inside Doors Opening: 
  • manual
  • buttons in high relief or Braille
  • spacious
  • voice announcements of floor levels
  • hoists
  • mobile ramp
Facilities for assistance animal: 
Not Provided
Accessible Bathroom: 
Outside the building: 
  • The building is accessible by the public means of transport
  • Parking places for people with disabilities
  • way finding signs to the building
Orientation inside the building: 
  • Handrails to steps
  • Location map - available online
Means of Escape: 
The modern, newly-built library located on the lower ground floor of the main administrative building, is accessible to those in wheelchairs and specially designed to accomodate the disabled. There are two ramp lifts, which allow those sitting in wheelchairs to access the University reading rooms, library facilities and the cafe.

The new Mykolas Romeris University library has modern, specially-designed computer facilities and technology allowing the disabled to freely access needed information and to use computers.

One of the reading rooms in the library has work stations that are fitted to accomodate the disabled. Here library users can comfortably surf the Internet. The specially-designed computer mouse is larger and easier to use and computer keys have a metal coating and there are hand rails that are attached to the side of the table.

Another work station is set aside for the visually impaired. They can use the Optelec Tieman Group electronic magnifier. For reading Internet articles or surfing websites, there is the computer programme, MAGic. The electronic magnifier, known as Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) is a device which has artificial lighting and a camera, with whose help it is possible to magnify the text to the needed size, to choose the appropriate colours and set the necessary contrast tones. This instrument is able to enlarge the reading text from 2 to 50 times.The programme MAGic makes the reading text or graphics easier to read and is able to magnify even small parts of text or to present part of the information in contrasting tones.
Validated by: 
ESN MRU Vilnius