Goal of the event:
The goal of this activity, or event, was of inviting the erasmus to take part to running in the solidarity race Organized by the foundation Alter Valencia. Also we organize an informative stand to inform the rest of persons about ESN and the project ExchangeAbility
Short description of the event:
We knew that the foundation was organizing a solidari ty race (to collect funds for the persons with intellectual and functional disability). We contacted ourselves to be employed together at the advertising of his i event and to invite the erasmus to run for the solidarity.
In the same way, we proposed to mount an informative stand to inform all the persons participants above the ESN, Exchange Ability, and the EA Week.
Advertising was done in the social networks, across the event of fan page, and also for deprived to the erasmus and volunteers, in order that this way they all were registering in the solidarity race, contributing with small economic quantity
How did your event go?:
We think that it went out well, always with small details to improve, The foundation Alter Valencia remained delighted and it is arranged to that we continue contributing together in future activities
(We do not know exactly all the students erasmus have taken part, in the race there had more than 300 participants)