Aim of the event: 
  • Raise Awareness
Goal of the event: 
This event gave both the Erasmus students and the ESNers the oppurtunity to understand how blind people socialise.Everyone shared their cooking skills ,used their senses to guess the ingredients of each food, had a great time and raised awareness.
Short description of the event: 
We blindfolded the participants when they entered the bar and we placed them at their seats.When they all gathered,we all introduced ourselves and then left them taliking with each other as we served the foods they had brought.The foods were served in three rounds so it will be easier fot the participants to make a mental note of the ingredients.We told them about the goals of the ExchangeAbility Project and of the Dinner in the Dark.When the tasting was over,everyone took of the blindfolds and we asked them about each food and its ingredients (most of them guessed the ingredients correctly) and then we told them to vote for the best recipe.Laslty,we asked them if they liked the event and announced the winner.
How did your event go?: 
The participants said that they enjoyed the event.
Name of the partners: 
ESN Athens
Number of international students: 
Number of "locals" involved: 
Number of ESNers involved: 
Persons with disabilities joining the event: 
How did they contribute to your event?: 
There was a guy on a wheelchair from ESN TEI Athens who took part in the event.He helped us in checking the accessibility of Gasoline bar and he brought his great mood into this event.
Dinner in the Dark-ESN Athens
Date of the event: 
Tue, 25/10/2016
Duration of the event: 