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E.g., 06/06/2024
Esn Samsun- Movie Night
The movie that we saw Forrest Gump. He is a simple man with mental disabilities but good intentions. He is running through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny.
Culture Day was our first event with the organization Tallinn's Board of Disabled Pl where we had the chance to promote mobility
ESNers and some students did come to meet with people with disability at the Tallinn's Board of Disabled People's house. They met with the people who came to listen their presentations.
Students participating in 'Fika in the Dark'
During 'Fika in the Dark' students were encouraged to explain how they felt not being able to see. Some students expressed that it had made them feel quite vulnerable.
First we conducted a series of workshops on blindness given by own students of the center of ONCE, people with visual impairment. Next, we carry out a training and a goalball tournament.
blind dinner
Once all the erasmus in the restaurant were gathered, they were all placed in tables of 4 or 5 people, trying that they did not know each other so that they knew each other, and later they were blindf
Don't speak, just move + charades.
The event had 3 parts:
Part one: we watched a video about how being disabled shouldn't be taken as a bad thing in life. It was to create awareness about every kind of disability.
ESN Porto partnered with ACAPO to teach some international students their first steps in two new languages: Braille and Portuguese Sign Language.
ESN Porto took a group of international students to try out some famous paralympic sports: goalball, boccia and sitted volleyball.
EA Photo Hunt
In collaboration with Association "Bubamara" (Ladybug) from Vinkovci and Council of Youth of Osjecko-baranjska county we organized Photo Hunt which allowed our visitors from Vinkovci to see
Say What
The Third Day of ExchangeAbility Week!
#ExchangeAbilityWeek #ExchangeAbility #makeESNaccessible #PinkPower

Say What
